Campagne de Badminton Bay

Dear Fans,
Please continue to support Bintang SOLIBAD Indonesia (Yayasan Bintang Kidul)

These children who came from disadvantaged background are provided with a safe place and healthy activities so they can achieve more than what they could imagine.

Here, we’d like to celebrate some of the achievers in badminton. You guys ROCK!

Novia, Danilo, Dimas, Ardi & Rayendra, you are all superstars!
Your background never stops you from achieving more!
Keep it up!

Danilo, you’re only 13 and you’ve won 21-16, 21-19 in the first round against a 16-year old player in your first ever national tournament in the Djarum National Circuit.
Remember, this is just the beginning of everything you’ve dreamed of!

Dimas, you’ve achieved something extraordinary, keep it going!

Novia, Never give up your dreams, remember you’re inspiring everyone around you!

Ardi, Rayendra, keep training hard and focus, you’ll be with the rest soon, enjoying success..!


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